Why We Love... Talkwalker Alerts

Why We Love... Talkwalker Alerts

What does Talkwalker Alerts do?

For those who haven’t used a tool like Talkwalker alerts before, simply enter your query and choose properties from the drop down bar, enter your email, then submit. The tool will crawl the vast grounds of the internet based on your query of choice, and will update your email with the conversations that it finds.Conversations can be found on various aspects of the web. For example, social media platforms, forums, blog posts etc. With email updates from Talkwalker - frequency of emails determined by options chosen by you - it enables you to keep up to date easily with the going ons in a busy industry to keep you in the game.

This service can be extremely useful to your company, and what makes it so much better, is that it’s free to sign up. You can, if you want, upgrade to the Pro version, but we find that the free version is effective enough to get started.

If you want to know more about why your business should be monitoring conversations on the web, then check out our quick guide to social media monitoring.

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David Jemison

This is David, drop him a line to discuss your project.