Know your website users

Know your website users

You probably have different groups of customers that you wish to target.

As a business, you probably have different groups of customers that you wish to target, so when it comes to your website, how do you define the main audiences that you want to reach?One way is to evaluate all of your potential customers, and create user personas. Then, by understanding their expectations, you can more accurately define the most desirable user types. These groups should be the customers that will bring the most valuable enquiries.To create a user persona, some in-depth information needs to be gathered. This can be done through surveys, market research studies, or just talking to your customers and asking specific questions. If it's an established business, it can be useful to look at where your existing customers are coming from.Don't be put off by the thought of this task - this is time well spent. For example, ten well-targeted visitors to your website are way more useful than a hundred non-targeted ones.

Some questions that we use to help compile user profiles

  • What is their gender?
  • What are their goals?
  • What do they want from you and your business?
  • What do they want from your website, and how will they use it?
  • Do they already have a relationship with you or your company?
  • What are their perceptions of you and your company?
  • What is their geographic location?
  • What are their computer skills?
  • Any additional demographics that may be relevant (e.g. lifestyle)

Some examples of user personas

Three individuals are looking for a new mobile phone.Person 1 is ‘techy’, so it's likely that they'll be more interested in seeking out the highest specification, or taking into consideration the camera and video capabilities. They may well compare the iPhone to the Android.Person 2 is more into style and socialising. The look of the phone may be more important than the comparison of specification. They may wish to be able to use the phone to access Facebook, or use Instagram for their photos.Person 3 is a 'professional', so may need the phone for business purposes. They may be most interested in the cheapest contract, how many inclusive minutes and texts they get, and what business apps they can use.When planning your website, user personas help us know who your target audience should be. This ensures that the correct look and functionality is incorporated into the site, generating the best results for your company and maximising your investment.If you'd like to speak with us about evaluating your target audience, why not get in touch?

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David Jemison

This is David, drop him a line to discuss your project.