Sub-zero to Hero - The Power of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

Sub-zero to Hero - The Power of the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

The campaign has spread like wildfire through the internet.

You don’t need to be a marketing whizz to know what the term ‘going viral’ means. Over the course of just a few weeks, the ‘ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’ campaign has spread like wildfire through the internet via various social media platforms, raising over £25 million pounds for the ALS Association and other charities relating to the cause.

With the likes of Will Smith, Steven Spielberg and even George Bush splashing out on donations and getting a bucket of ice cold water chucked on their heads, this has stirred up even more attention and publicity for what was previously a relatively unknown disease.

Effective marketing

This nomination-based challenge effect has proven itself to be an extremely powerful marketing strategy. Previously, we saw the ‘no make-up selfie’ trend and the controversial ‘neck nominate’ take over our Facebook and Twitter feeds with the same viral effect.

We love the unique and communal properties of this type of marketing strategy. It brings a genuine joy to the people who create and consume the content by themselves, as well as creating incredible brand awareness for some great causes.

This campaign has been a great example for marketers of how powerful the effects of social marketing can be, and how you can achieve amazing results by letting the socialites spread the word for you. It just proves you don’t need a huge marketing budget to achieve colossal results.

Have you taken the ice bucket challenge? We’d love to see your videos, and maybe - if you’re very very lucky - you might see something from us!

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David Jemison

This is David, drop him a line to discuss your project.