Why We Love... Evernote

Why We Love... Evernote

Let's face it, filing documents takes up time and space.

Let's face it, filing documents takes up time and space. Today, we'd probably need a second building just to store it all in.We suspected a paperless office would be impossible to achieve, but after a few Google searches into the products available we believed we could get close. Our love affair with Evernote had begun.

What is Evernote?

If you haven't heard already, Evernote is a cloud-based filing system that enables you to keep all kinds of documents together in one place. And the only space it takes is virtual.For the past 5 years we've been successfully using Evernote to store all types of documents, from proposals and statements to inspiration and voice memos.

A Real Time Saver

Once scanned, snapped or uploaded, we keep things organised by keyword or tag so that we can quickly find it in the future. No more getting up to root through a filing cabinet for half an hour.Documents can be located in an instant simply by typing a keyword or selecting a tag. It especially raises a smile when Evernote sometimes picks up the odd word from a hand-scribbled note.

Evernote on iPhone

Our Mobile Filing Cabinet

When in meetings, we often find ourselves logging in to Evernote's mobile app to access something we want to share with a client. Or to take a snapshot of something that they have shared with us.

Our Little Book of Inspiration

As creatives, we love to collect things that inspire us. Evernote helps us keep everything together in one place. We can take a picture, or clip entire web pages. I'm sure there are other similar products on the market, but for us our romance with Evernote is still blooming.Why not take a look at Evernote and see how it can help you save time and effort.

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David Jemison

This is David, drop him a line to discuss your project.